Following the drug-induced hallucinatory period of the initiation rites into the brotherhood, each n00b is given a gift of sight unparalleled by any vision seen before it. Because of the secrecy surrounding this super-human power, the indescribable gift has been compared to other moments of visionary wonder, with the most common analogy being the nineteenth-century emergence of color in photography. This anecdote within popular culture gained credence when the brotherhood’s public identity was visually represented by six colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.

–an excerpt from The 24th Member: Inside the Society of 23

The Society of 23 Biennial is an invitational exhibition of twenty-three artists currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree at San Francisco Art Institute. This year, The S23B will exhibit artwork that uses color to propel the understandings of the artwork to extraordinary and unusual territories. With a variety of media including painting, sculpture, photography, and video, The S23B will collect some of the most interesting student-artist artwork from SFAI for display to the city and greater Bay Area.

installation shot

installation shot

reception food and drink


reception decor

reception decor


drink server, Evan

voting ballot, food, and melted candies in wine cup

Silver Angel Audience Award co-winners Jennie Lennick and Laura Hyunjhee Kim

Brother Jeffrey Augustine cleaning up

The Society of 23 would like to thank
Emily Chaves, Evan Moring, and Annette Elverum Østby
for their awesome help.