I try to be open to whatever I might have. Mostly, though, I'm most comfortable with old fashioned drawing on paper. It's like a mother tongue to me.
I think it's common for many that as they grow older they become more confident in their own skin and with who they are as a person. For me this experience has had a big impact on ways I think about art making. I suppose you could say that the confidence which comes with growing up has made me more comfortable with making decisions based on my intuition as an artist.
While caffeinated.
Nocturne Op. 40 by Dvorak. It's pure beauty when it's arranged well.
Never a "Eureka" moment. Mainly I just have to have faith in my time management skills and the strength of whatever it is I'm working on.
Entropy - "The physical Universe's macrocosmic proclivities of becoming locally ever more dissynchronous, asymmetric, diffuse, and multiplyingly expansive"
Syntropy – "A tendency towards order and symmetrical combinations, designs of ever more advantageous and orderly patterns. Evolutionary cooperation. Anti-entropy."
-R. Buckminster Fuller
What fascinates me about humanity is our collective, inherent drive to wrestle order and even meaning out of entropic and chaotic circumstances. With the evolution of the indomitable prefrontal cortex the observable universe has been categorized, systematized and rationalized to a fantastic degree. Science, literature, art, et al. operate on a seemingly infinite continuum with such elucidatory intentions driving them, influencing each other as milestones accumulate.
My work is best perceived within the milieu of the moment wherein Fuller’s notions of Entropy and Syntropy meet. Questions garner answers which provoke yet more questions often exponentially.