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Holiday of Ascension

mixed media
6' x 6' x 11' (1.83m x 1.83m x 3.35m)

As described by Marshall Berman in his introduction to All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity, Karl Marx’s idea of new men are “men who are thoroughly modern, will be able to resolve the contradictions of modernity, to overcome the crushing pressures, earthquakes, weird spells, personal and social abysses, in whose midst all modern men and women are forced to live”.

On the fourth Monday of October, the Society of 23 celebrates the Holiday of Ascension: a day for each brother to reflect and celebrate his own membership in, as well as the overall awesomeness of, the Society of 23. On this day, it is tradition to display small gifts being lifted by balloons from the abyss of perilous humanity.